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03.03.2011 15:40:55
информация просмотров: 5913 комментариев: 10
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OBI!!!What happens when managing director of sales in our OBI? All positions of regional managers occupy its former employees from the company METRO. Store manager put out METRO.Zamestiteli Director - METRO. Very much like this vstetit predstaviteolya OBI in the management of the company. However, there is one, but the patient's head. Vydimo beneficial it temporarily. We have staff who have always dreamed of a career it's time to forget about Settle days. All come from METRO, will market and invite only their own (the law). There is a solution to this issue - to deprive the post of Director of Sales (this is their main roof). A union in the stores. And then we will develop both the company and our employees and the welfare of our families. OBI-live without METRO!!! | ответить | ответить с цитированием |
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03.03.2011 18:54:22
OBI- МЫ, 03.03.2011 15:40:55 | цитата: What happens when managing director of sales in our OBI?
All positions of regional managers occupy its former employees from the company METRO. Store manager put out METRO.Zamestiteli Director - METRO. Very much like this vstetit predstaviteolya OBI in the management of the company. However, there is one, but the patient's head. Vydimo beneficial it temporarily. We have staff who have always dreamed of a career it's time to forget about Settle days. All come from METRO, will market and invite only their own (the law).
There is a solution to this issue - to deprive the post of Director of Sales (this is their main roof). A union in the stores. And then we will develop both the company and our employees and the welfare of our families.
OBI-live without METRO!!! |
Such arguments are usually decided by force. William swept across the Channel with his army and landed near Hastings. Harold was in the north, where he had just defeated а Norse invasion, but he hurried south and, brave but foolish, offered battle. His men were tired and he would have done better to have starved the Normans out. Still, his position on а hill was а strong one, until the Normans, pretending to run away, lured the English down the hill.
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03.03.2011 21:22:47
ahmed, 03.03.2011 18:54:22 | цитата: Such arguments are usually decided by force. William swept across the Channel with his army and landed near Hastings. Harold was in the north, where he had just defeated а Norse invasion, but he hurried south and, brave but foolish, offered battle. His men were tired and he would have done better to have starved the Normans out. Still, his position on а hill was а strong one, until the Normans, pretending to run away, lured the English down the hill. |
That is because of the foolish polisy of Sales director. Let him eat himself by his foolish policy of total change of OBI workers to stupid nedouchkas from METRO!!!
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04.03.2011 22:49:37
OBI- МЫ, 03.03.2011 15:40:55 | цитата: What happens when managing director of sales in our OBI?
All positions of regional managers occupy its former employees from the company METRO. Store manager put out METRO.Zamestiteli Director - METRO. Very much like this vstetit predstaviteolya OBI in the management of the company. However, there is one, but the patient's head. Vydimo beneficial it temporarily. We have staff who have always dreamed of a career it's time to forget about Settle days. All come from METRO, will market and invite only their own (the law).
There is a solution to this issue - to deprive the post of Director of Sales (this is their main roof). A union in the stores. And then we will develop both the company and our employees and the welfare of our families.
OBI-live without METRO!!! |
А когда можно ожидать перевод? Всё таки интересно... Ведь большинство пользователей - русскоязычные! А то и я могу: "Нани? Вакаримасен, минна сан!"(на японском вопрос).
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05.03.2011 11:09:10
Да, S.Direktor творит чюдеса..........
100% состав управления ОБИ поменяли на выходцев из МЕТРО.
Те же в свою очередь подтягивают своих бывших сотрудников, а те своих.
Итог: Настоящий воспитанник ОБИ исчезает как класс.
Ли срочно создавать профсоюзы в магазинах либо нас последних выживут.
Вот и весь перевод!!!
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14.03.2011 17:26:41
Что за бред , почему в МЕТРО недоучки?! Вполне понятно когда руководитель подбирает команду под себя и опирается на профессионалов и не важно откуда они. Кроме того, с торговыми технологиями МЕТРО не может сравниться ни одна сеть Москвы и ОБИ тоже.
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15.03.2011 10:43:53
RIO, 14.03.2011 17:26:41 | цитата: Что за бред , почему в МЕТРО недоучки?! Вполне понятно когда руководитель подбирает команду под себя и опирается на профессионалов и не важно откуда они. Кроме того, с торговыми технологиями МЕТРО не может сравниться ни одна сеть Москвы и ОБИ тоже. |
OBI ВОЛГОГРАД. Сотрудники МЕТРО ,РЕАЛ в основном персонал с неплохими профессиональными навыками.А дело в том, что зарплата в Obi,выше чем в МЕТРО ,РЕАЛ и конкуренция в этом плане не всегда носит позитивный аспект для сотрудников за 40.
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16.03.2011 14:55:58
RIO, 14.03.2011 17:26:41 | цитата: Что за бред , почему в МЕТРО недоучки?! Вполне понятно когда руководитель подбирает команду под себя и опирается на профессионалов и не важно откуда они. Кроме того, с торговыми технологиями МЕТРО не может сравниться ни одна сеть Москвы и ОБИ тоже. |
Соглашусь, команда изначально приглашенная из Метро, на 90% состояла из профессионалов. Но те кого данные профпригодные менеджеры потянули за собой, оказались на 90% НЕГОДНЫМИ к работе в ОБИ. Это факт который заметен всем, но ввиду того, что место они получили ни за знания и умения работать, а по дружбе, из-за этого они и до сих пор на своих местах.
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